Podium Announcements
26th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Sept 29th, 2024
Today we are celebrating the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time
The gospel tells us that every good deed contributes toward the battle against evil.
God’s action is not limited to any class of people.
Here are a few announcements for the upcoming week
26th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Sept 29th, 2024
Today we are celebrating the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time
The gospel tells us that every good deed contributes toward the battle against evil.
God’s action is not limited to any class of people.
Here are a few announcements for the upcoming week
- This weekend is Ministry Sign-up Weekend. Please take a moment to consider volunteering for a ministry. You will have the opportunity to ask questions, learn more about the ministry and sign-up.
- Monday, September 30 the church will be closed following the morning and the evening Mass. There will be no adoration or confessions.
- Please mark the date. On October 19th at 5:00 pm we are going to have a special Mass for the 60th Anniversary of our parish as part of the Feast of St. Luke. Unfortunately, Bishop McGrattan is unable to join us, however Fr. David and the former priests of St. Luke’s will celebrate the Mass. After the celebration everyone is invited to join us for a Potluck Dinner in the MPR. If you plan to attend please sign the sheet found on the table next to the office or on the parish website.
- The final Lector Orientation/refresher course will be on Wed., Oct 9th at 7:00 pm. Please meet in the worship area.
- Registration for the Sacrament of Confirmation and Youth Baptism has been extended to October 15. Also, a reminder to the Parents of those children who are registered for First Reconciliation – the Parent information session is on Tuesday, October 1st @ 6:00 pm.
- There are still a few spots left for the 4 – 6 year old children in the Tuesday morning Catechesis of the Good Shepherd sessions. Please register on the parish website if you are interested.
- The Knights of Columbus from High River will be here for their Annual Apple Sale Fundraiser on October 5 & 6 following all Masses. Your support is greatly appreciated. Cash or Cheque accepted.
- St. Luke's CWL invites members to register for the annual retreat taking place at Mount St. Francis Retreat Centre on Tuesday, October 29. Cost for registration is 35$/person. For more information and to register please refer to the bulletin Board.