This Weeks Announcements
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, January 19, 2025
In today’s Gospel, when we hear Mary’s words ‘Do whatever he tells you”, we are reminded that we are to serve God by humbly using our gifts and talents.
Here are a few announcements for the upcoming week
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, January 19, 2025
In today’s Gospel, when we hear Mary’s words ‘Do whatever he tells you”, we are reminded that we are to serve God by humbly using our gifts and talents.
Here are a few announcements for the upcoming week
- Registration for the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, a program where children develop a relationship with a loving God, is now open for children ages 4 – 6. The new sessions begin on Tuesday, Jan 28th or Saturday, Feb 1st for 11 weeks. Register at
- The book study, “Introduction to the Devout Life” will begin on Thursday, Jan 23 either at 1 pm or 6 pm in Room 1.
- We are now accepting registrations for Confirmation of Adults over 18 or who have graduated from high school, and who are baptized and have received their First Holy Communion. Information and registration forms can be found on the table in the narthex.
- The parish of St Luke would like to thank you for your donations for the past year. The boxed donation envelopes for 2025 are now ready for pick-up. If you had previously used boxed donation envelopes and now would prefer another method of contributions such as: pre-authorized debit, credit card or e-transfer please let us know and we will take your box away, Similarly, if you would like to begin to use boxed donation envelopes let us know and we can assign and prepare one for you.
- CWL INVITE YOU TO A TOONIE SOUP AND BUN On Tuesday, Jan 21 at 12 noon. All parishioners are welcome to come and enjoy a warm bowl of soup and a bun. The CWL General Meeting will follow at 1pm. The CWL are once again collecting pantry items for St. Anne’s Pantry – KARA Foundation. Check the Bulletin or bulletin board for donation suggestions and bring your donation to the Toonie Soup and Bun Day or at any of the Sunday Masses on Jan 25/26